Concealed Pistol Class (CPL)
Our one day (8 hour) CPL Course will provide you with the necessary training required by Michigan law to apply for your Concealed Pistol License (CPL). Our one day class meets and exceeds Michigan State requirements to obtain your Michigan CPL.
Cost: $100
Rentals available
Beginner Pistol Course
Beginner Pistol- This is a 3 hour course that provides a hands on introduction to the safe handling of a pistol.
In this course you will learn:
Proper handling of a pistol
Disassembly and reassembly of your pistol
Maintenance of your pistol
Fundamentals of pistol shooting
Gear selection for carrying a pistol
Range time
Cost $60.00. Rentals are available.
Classes are scheduled upon request.
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting
Course topics include:
gun safety rules
proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols
ammunition knowledge and selection
pistol selection and storage
shooting fundamentals
pistol inspection and maintenance
marksmanship and shooting range safety.
Additionally, students will complete live fire training and a nationally standardized shooting qualification while on the range with an NRA Certified Instructor.
Cost $100.00 Rentals available
Classes are scheduled upon request
NRA Basic Rifle Shooting
Course topics include:
NRA’s rules for safe gun handling
rifle parts and operation
shooting fundamentals
range rules
shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions
continued opportunities for skill development.
Cost $150.00
Classes are scheduled upon request
Intro to the AR (Carbine)
Intro to Carbine is perfect for people who are new to semi-automatic rifles or those who are considering buying an AR-type carbine. This 3-hour course covers the basics of modern semi-automatic weapons, focusing on the characteristics of the AR platform and shooting fundamentals.
This course consists of a short lecture, demonstrations, dry-fire practice, obtaining a zero, and manipulation shooting exercises focused on introducing the shooter to defensive shooting.
Safe use and storage of a carbine
Carbine operation and accessories
Fundamentals of marksmanship
Carbine manipulations: load, unload, immediate action, remedial action, corrective action
Zeroing your rifle
Basic standing position
Weapon inspection and maintenance
Cost is $60.00, rentals available. Classes are scheduled upon request
Advanced Concealed Pistol Class (ACPL)
This is a 1 day, 8-hour Advanced CPL course. This course will challenge you as a CPL holder. The focus of this course will be to expand your knowledge on holster and equipment selection and develop your proficiency in drawing from a holster. Our goal is to help each student to develop stronger gun handling skills and techniques that will fit each student’s individual carry style.
Must have a valid CPL the day of the class.
Must have open-front cover garment (button up shirt, vest, zip up hoodie), and closed-front garment (Hoodie, T-shirt, button up shirt).
Cost- $100
$50 Nonrefundable deposit
Rentals available